You Matter: The Benefits of Teens To Trails Youth Advisory Council

The current members of the Teens to Trails Youth Advisory Council had a great year together, and they can’t wait to have more high school students from around the state join them for 22-23!

“Make no decision about me, without me” — that's the motto for the Teens to Trails Youth Advisory Council (YAC), and it couldn’t be more accurate.

The YAC gives students a platform to have their voices heard and speak on behalf of the students of Maine. At our monthly meetings, we discuss ideas for seasonal programs, events, and more for outdoor clubs to give the staff of Teens to Trails a student's perspective.

As a high school student, the opportunity to collaborate at meetings and have your opinions heard is immensely rewarding. Being a part of the council is also a great experience for future jobs and opportunities.

In early 2022, I collaborated with other YAC members to organize and run a winter event, which featured Triple Crown hiker Sammy Potter. This was another exciting opportunity, as I learned firsthand how much planning goes into a big, online fundraising event.

With all this planning and brainstorming, it’s astounding how manageable the YAC is with other commitments. With only one meeting a month and additional projects completely optional, it is very easy to make it work with school, sports, homework, and other activities.

Through the YAC I have learned leadership skills and the opportunity even led to me getting a summer internship with Teens to Trails. It has been a wonderful experience so far and I am excited to continue with the YAC through my senior year!

Interested in joining the Youth Advisory Council for the 2022-23 school year? Learn more about this exciting opportunity and apply here.


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